Spongebob Squarepants: Virus

Recently my uncle died of a stroke so we had to clean his room out. We were going to convert his room into a guest room so that's why we are cleaning his room. I'm kinda glad Uncle Richard is gone because he used to beat me as a kid for no reason. He wasn't an alcoholic, surprisingly. So, anyways we were about halfway done cleaning his room when my older brother Dylan found something strange buried in his junk drawer. "Hey Lucas, you might want to check this out." my brother said. I walked up to Dylan and he showed me a DVD that had "SB VIRUS" written on it with green Sharpie. "I have no idea what that is." I said "I don't know either." said my older brother.
I asked Dylan if I could keep it and he said yes. Once I got home I was curious about the DVD so I put it in the disc drive for my laptop. To my suprise it was a Spongebob episode. The title card was green and black with "VIRUS" as the name. "Oh so that's what SB stands for" I told myself. The episode started with Squidward mopping the bathroom in the Krusty Krab. Everything was normal until a green speck landed on Squidward's lip. I thought nothing of it and then Squidward's skin turn a pale green. Nothing was wrong here. Squidward walked out of the bathroom and started talking to himself. He was bragging about how he was the greatest clarinet player in the world. Squidward then got some spit on Spongebob and Spongebob Didn't notice. Spongebob turned the same color as Squidward. And then Sqruidword turn a neon green and then out of nowhere his head exploding with green liquaid everywhere. I screamed so loud that I broke the Window. and than a green speck landed on me. I don't know if I have much longer to live. Unless I post something about the episode. YOUR NEXT